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Where did my name come from?


My spiritual name is Kavita Ananda Kaur, given to me by the 3HO Foundation.

What is the 3HO Foundation?

It's a group of yogis who follow the teachings and way of life taught by Yogi Bahjan. Yogi Bhajan was a Sikh man who came to the U.S. to show the West how pranayama, or breath control, helps our bodies. This is done through breathing and chanting in Kundalini Yoga. He also taught different lifestyle changes such as eating in silence to help digest your food, showering in cold water to flush toxins from your body and so on.

How does having a spiritual name impact your life?

According to the 3HO Foundation, it's your spiritual identity. It's an opportunity to leave the past behind and a rebirth into consciousness.

What does my name mean?

The princess/lioness who, by embodying the beauty of God's poetry in the world, is filled with heavenly bliss.

To me personally, God is the universal energy in all of us. I believe God is in nature and all of us. We can all reach enlightenment by becoming in tune with ourselves and the world around us. The number one way I do this is through Yoga and Ahimsa, which I will make a blog post about later.

Love and Light,


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