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Good for you & 
Mother Earth

Women and Men can absorb up to 5 lbs of toxins per year due to makeup alone. Our skin is the largest organ we have, and it absorbs everything we put on it.


Kavita Lifestyle has chosen to make non toxic products that are safe for your skin to absorb. 

Kavita Lifestyle products also come in packaging that does a minimal amount of damage to Mother Earth vs regular store products that come in one time use plastic containers. By buying my products you will be preventing damage to your body and Mother Earth.

Pure Magick

Kavita Lifestyle is proud to offer products infused with Magick for those who believe in the wonders of the world and worship nature. These products respect Mother Nature and help you incorporate magick into your daily life.


Kavita Lifestyle also offers products to help those who practice magick further their practice. 

Never Tested 
on Animals

I incorporate my belief of ahimsa, or non violence, in all aspects of my life including the products made for

 Kavita Lifestyle.


My products are always vegan and never tested on animals. I believe it is unnecessary cruelty to test on animals. All lives are equal to me. Kavita Lifestyle products are only tested on myself and willing human friends. 

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