I assume most people know what smudging is, but if you are a newbie witch or just not familiar, it's burning herbs in your house to get unwanted energy out. Typical smudging bundles use sage or cedar, like the Native Americans. Some smudging items gaining popularity now are palo santo and random herb/flower bundles.
You can start smudging by lighting the smudge stick on fire and holding a bowl underneath to catch the ashes. This method is used for bad-asses who are not afraid of fire. I, on the other hand, am a witch with anxiety and my mind can come up with 1,000 different ways that holding a bundle of herbs that's on fire is a bad situation. So, I always break some of the smudge bundle off and put it in a fire proof bowl then light it on fire. You can use your hands to move the smoke around the room, or you can use a feather that you've found on the ground. DO NOT kill a bird for it's feathers - not cool. Go around your house, room to room, moving the smoke throughout your house. You can do just this, or you can add a spell as well. I personally say, " I banish all negative energies, you're not welcome here, " in my mind over and over while smudging. You can find a spell online that you like, or use the same one I do. You also have the choice of saying your spell out loud or in your mind. In Yogic Philosophy, words said in your mind are stronger than words said out loud so I say my spells in my mind. You're almost done, just open up a window or door for the negative energy to leave now.
Pro Tip: don't make your smoke alarm go off.
Now go forth and get rid of the negative energies with those big blunts us real spiritual folk use!
Love and Light,